3-January : The Day to Remember & Be Inspired.
Heartiest congratulations to our dear Paltu and wish you all the best as we complete Sixth
Anniversary of your Donor Heart. Our sincere gratitude to Late Balaji’s family
and remembering Him through our Poltu’s life everyday.
– the name itself is a motivation & inspiration to all of us and many
others who have been associated with his Heart Transplantation Journey. After
going through lot of worried moments, critical treatment and painful wait, on
this day six years back, 3-Jan-2015, Poltu was gifted his second life through
this complex & critical transplantation process. Since that day, we have
experienced many more challenges, worrying moments, but Poltu has shown
tremendous courage and strength to overcome all those and has been leading a
spirited life.
Basanti (Bulti), his wife has been a super strong
pillar for Poltu & family. She is a determined, powerful but soft & sober
lady raising two daughters in Bangalore while taking care of Poltu, we can only
salute her from bottom of our heart. Their
elder daughter, Tania, is studying in a good school here in Bangalore and
topper in her class (2nd grade, will be going to 3rd). They are also
blessed with second daughter, Tannisha, 3 years back after Poltu coming back to
normal life with donor heart. We are so fortunate to observe how they have
brought such a huge transformation in their lives, in all aspects be it physical,
psychological, social, financial and spiritual.
The chain
of events and all the engaged activities during 2014-15, were a lifetime experience
for many of us, inspiring us to do more
and eventually establishing our own Sevabrata Foundation (https://sevabrata.org/ FB Page https://www.facebook.com/SevabrataFoundation) with the
mission to contribute more to our society. We are deeply thankful to so many
well-wishers, volunteers, doctors, nurses & hospital staffs, contributors,
supporters, motivators and many more who made it happen. The tribute goes to numerous
people & organizations, but special thanks to Dr. Anand and team, BGS
Global hospital, the family of the donor heart, great support from Reena Raju and
her Light a life Foundation, Bengaluru Traffic Police, Ramakrishna Mission
Ashrama and of course so many well-wishers & supporters across India and
different countries across the world.
May Thakur
Maa Swamiji bless Poltu and his family for a happy prolonged healthy life.. 
Happy New
Year to all, wish 2021 brings all the peace, joy, health, wealth, prosperity
& happiness to everyone. Stay blessed, please continue blessing Poltu &
his family and supporting us through all upcoming initiatives.
Few photos
and moments from the past to remember.
Personal Blog : One Year Anniversary of Poltu’s Heart